Everything You Need To Know About Sacroiliac Joint Fusion
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Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Plano TX is an effective and reliable approach to treat back pain. If you have lumbar spine pain, you are not alone. Research shows that up to 85% of people in the U.S have back pain at some point in their lives. Up to 30% of chronic spinal pain is due to sacroiliac dysfunction.
The pelvis has the sacroiliac joint. It joins the iliac bone with the sacrum. The joint stabilizes your pelvis and bears your upper body’s weight. However, when it becomes injured or degenerated, the nerve endings in the joint cause pain in the lumbar spine, pelvis, hips, and legs. That’s why you need sacroiliac joint pain treatment. Read on!
Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Numerous factors can cause sacroiliac joint pain or risk developing the condition. For example, women are at higher risk of dysfunction due to anatomical differences, making them more prone than men.
For instance, injuries due to falls, accidents, missteps, improper lifting, etc., can cause pain. Anatomic variations, such as abnormal gait, uneven leg length, scoliosis, and pressure on the sacroiliac joint, make you more vulnerable to injury.
The condition can also occur during pregnancy because the ligaments hold the joints in place strength for delivery. If these ligaments remain loose after childbirth, the joint shifts and move excessively, causing severe pain.
Om addition, previous lumbar spine surgeries can also increase the risk of this condition. For example, fusion surgery can change the function of the spine, particularly its movement, and shock-absorbing capabilities. So, this results in a transfer of shock and causes pain.
Symptoms of Sacroiliac Joint Problems
The most common symptom of sacroiliac joint dysfunction is pain in the buttocks, lumbar spine, legs, and pelvis. Most people feel the pain as a dull ache on one side of the lumbar spine. The pain extends into the thighs and causes severe discomfort.
You will feel pain with day-to-day activities, such as walking up and downstairs. Likewise, when you vacuum a surface in your home, you twist your pelvis. All this translates to severe discomfort and pain in your lumbar spine and pelvic region.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain Diagnosis
Spinal pain is a complex health condition with numerous causes. Doctors use a careful and systematic approach to determine a diagnosis. The process starts with a thorough examination of the symptoms and a discussion about the pain.
For instance, your doctor may ask you about the pain’s location, severity, and trigger points. We recommend telling your health provider about the history of injury, if any. The process may also involve X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans.
Your doctor will perform provocative tests before carrying out sacroiliac joint pain treatment. The purpose is to ensure accurate diagnosing of the condition. The doctor will apply pressure to the painful areas in your spine and perform specific maneuvers to reproduce the pain. That way, the doctor conducts an accurate diagnosis.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain Treatment
It is always better to start with conservative sacroiliac joint pain treatment options. We recommend physical therapy, oral medications, and chiropractic adjustments. Some patients feel better with injection therapy, while others relieve symptoms with a pelvic belt. However, if the conservative sacroiliac joint pain treatment fails to relieve the discomfort, you must consult with your doctor or neurosurgeon for advanced treatment options.
Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Plano TX
MINT’s neurosurgeon will recommend sacroiliac joint fusion Plano TX when you don’t want to live with the condition, and the conservative treatment options have failed to alleviate the pain. At MINT, our qualified neurosurgeon follows a minimally invasive approach to perform the sacroiliac joint fusion Plano TX.
During the procedure, the surgeon makes two tiny incisions in the side of your buttock. The incisions are about 2cm in length. Next, our surgeon places implants in the sacroiliac joint to stabilize it and let the bone heals naturally. Although our neurosurgeon will decide how long you stay at MINT, most patients usually go home within 1-2 days.
Contact MINT for Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Plano TX
Sacroiliac joint pain is a severe condition prevalent in women. However, it can affect people of all ages due to pelvis or lumbar spine injuries. Medications, such as NSAIDs, opioids, and analgesics, can control the pain and discomfort.
However, these can cause side effects and may not treat chronic pain. To relieve pain, MINT offers innovative and advanced treatment options, including Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Plano TX. Contact us today!