Frisco Spine Center – Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Techniques
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Spine Centers have become common across the country. Many Americans suffer from back pain, and for over 8% of American adults this back pain becomes chronic. Moderate to debilitating back pain can make life miserable, causing you to lose out on enjoyable hobbies, and even possibly become disabled.
For Texans suffering from back pain, consider MINT or Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Texas. This Frisco Spine Center specializes in relieving back pain using minimally invasive spine surgery techniques. MINT’s cutting-edge technology gets you back pain relief with minimal damage to surrounding tissues, getting you back on your feet and back to what you love.
What Makes Our Spine Surgery Minimally Invasive?
Traditional spine surgery involves a large, open incision on the area of the back that the neurosurgeon is working on. For traditional surgery muscles and soft tissue around the spine needs to be moved to perform the surgery. In contrast, minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is a modern form of surgery using much smaller incisions than traditional surgery, and therefore does not cause as much damage to surrounding tissues. This also means less blood loss during surgery, less risk of infection and shorter healing time. At MINT, we use modern diagnostics to pinpoint the source of your back pain, even if you have had failed back surgery before. Surgeons can use MISS for a wide variety of spinal nerve problems.
What Conditions is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Used to Treat?
Worried that MISS won’t work for your back pain? Don’t be. Minimally invasive spine surgery in Frisco TX can treat a wide variety of spinal disorders. Our talented Neurosurgeon team will be able to diagnose your exact condition. Many spinal conditions do not need surgery and can be treated with medication, physical therapy, etc. MISS has been used to treat conditions of the spine, nerves, and connective tissue such as herniated discs, spinal deformities such as scoliosis, spinal stenosis (aka the narrowing of the spinal canal, putting pressure on pain-causing nerves), spinal instability caused by osteoporosis, Spondylolysis, spinal tumor removal, and spinal infection.
What Kind of Questions Should You Ask a Spine Surgeon in Frisco TX?
If your healthcare provider has decided that MISS is right for you, it’s important to ask questions so you are comfortable with the procedure and feel prepared. Some things to ask your Neurosurgeon team about your procedure are why you need it, and what kind of results you can expect. It’s also important to ask about the risks and potential benefits of the minimally invasive spine surgeon that is being suggested for you. It’s also good to check your neurosurgeon qualifications, and if they have performed this kind of surgery before. Ask about this surgery’s success with your condition in the past. If possible, ask to speak to another patient who has received the same surgery so you can ask them about the results.
How is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Performed?
Every surgery is as unique as the patient. But in general, a MISS begins with topical anesthesia for the affected portion of the spine. Some surgeries require full anesthesia, but many can be accomplished with topical anesthetic and sedation to prevent pain.
The procedure begins with an X-ray. Then the neurosurgeon will make a small incision on the affected area of the spine. This incision, which is less than an inch in length, will be what the surgery is performed through. A tubular retractor the size of a pencil will be placed in the incision, acting as a “portal’ for the neurosurgeon’s nano-tools, including a tiny digital camera that acts as the neurosurgeon’s eyes through the surgery. The repairs to the spine are performed with the nanotools, and once these are done the tools are removed along with the retractor. The incision is closed with a single stitch, and antibiotics are often prescribed to prevent any potential infection.
What Kind of Recovery Can You Expect From Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?
Luckily, most MISS surgeries are outpatient procedures. The patient will need to be monitored by healthcare providers for an hour or two post-surgery, and then they’ll need someone to drive them home. This is a big difference from traditional open surgery which can require multiple overnight stays at the hospital. As always, it depends on the patient and the success of the surgery.
MINT– Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery of Texas
Those looking for a Frisco TX spine surgeon can find everything they need at MINT– Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery of Texas. Dr. Scott Kutz is a highly qualified neurosurgeon, and his team can create a comprehensive treatment plan to put an end to your back pain. Call or check out our website today!