Lower Back Pain Immediate Relief – Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle
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Lower back pain immediate relief is the objective of everyone with acute and chronic spinal pain. You can use medications, such as NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and antidepressants, to get lower back pain immediate relief. However, these medications can cause a wide range of side effects, complicating your condition.
On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle is a severe back pain solution Plano TX. Studies highlight that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can eventually lead to decreased pressure, reduced strain, and strengthened spinal muscles. Changing a few day-to-day habits can help patients maintain a healthy spine for a long time. Read on!
Healthy Lifestyle and Lower Back Pain Immediate Relief
Lower back pain has many causes, such as mechanical issues and tissue injuries. These injuries include intervertebral disc damage, nerve compression, and spinal joints instability. A torn or pulled muscle can also cause lower back pain.
Although there are various severe back pain options Plano TX for lower back pain immediate relief, maintain a healthy lifestyle can help you improve your condition, especially if you don’t want to use medications. Here at MINT, our qualified professionals advise the following!
Strength Training
Hundreds of research studies show the benefits of exercise for lower back pain. A regular strength training routine can help you manage your lumbar spine pain. For instance, it focuses on your core muscles and decreases the risk of spinal-related injuries, including muscle spasms, sprains, and strains.
Check with your physician or physical therapist to learn the best core strengthening exercises. Your doctor will modify certain poses so that you can perform them easily without putting too much pressure on your lumbar spine.
Eat Nutrient-rich Food
Osteoporosis is one of the leading cause of lower back pain and common in older populations. The condition affects more women than men. Healthy bones mean a stronger spine, and you can achieve your goal by focusing on a nutrient-rich diet, especially food that contains vitamin D and calcium.
Cheese, beef liver, egg yolks, and fatty fish are rich sources of vitamin D. Likewise, you can include leafy greens, yogurt, and milk in your diet regimen to increase calcium levels in your body. Some people use supplements to get these nutrients. Although supplements are good, we recommend you to talk to your doctor.
Quit Smoking
Studies have proven the harmful effects of smoking on the body. Not only does smoking harm your lungs, heart, liver, and blood vessels, it also weakens your muscles. For instance, nicotine in cigarettes restricts blood flow to your spinal discs, causing them to dry out and crack. Ruptured discs lead to severe discomfort and pain.
Smoking likewise decreases oxygen levels in your blood, which leads to inadequate nourishment of your spinal muscle and tendons. One of the severe back pain options Plano TX is to quit smoking. Make sure you also avoid too much alcohol consumption.
Practice Good Ergonomics
Your lower spine has more load or pressure on it when you sit for a long time. Prolonged sitting can cause extreme pressure on your spinal discs, leading to discomfort and pain. Many people lean forward when sitting at a computer desk, which puts pressure on your lower spinal discs.
Make sure you choose the right chair for your office work and practice good ergonomics while seated to help support your spine. Moreover, use ice and cold therapy if you want lower back pain immediate relief. Anyway, you won’t need to undergo heat or cold therapy if you maintain good ergonomics when seated.
Deep Breathing
It is an integral part of yoga, a holistic health method that can improve your overall health and wellbeing. Besides practicing specific yoga poses, you should also focus on deep breathing and mindfulness to ease your mental stress.
Deep breathing increases blood flow to your spinal muscles and triggers the cells to activate specific mechanisms that supply more nutrients to the inflammation area and soothe your muscles. You can also use essential oils for the back massage to get lower back pain immediate relief.
Talk to an Experienced Neurosurgeon
A healthy lifestyle is a long-term severe back pain solution Plano TX. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help maintain your overall spinal health. However, if the pain stays persistent for more than three months, it is time to talk to your neurosurgeon.
Here at MINT, our neurosurgeon will perform certain tests and exams to know the exact cause of your lower back pain. The health provider will then look at severe back pain options Plano TX and prescribe you medications for pain relief.
If the medications fail to provide relief, you may be advised to undergo a minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS). Contact MINT today to schedule your appointment with our qualified neurosurgeon for lower back pain immediate relief.