How to Prevent Back Pain

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Are you looking for back pain treatment in Plano Texas? Back pain is a common condition that affects more than 90% of people in the U.S at some point in their lives. Back pain results from a problem with discs or muscles in your cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine.
It also results from damages to muscles, ligaments, nerves, and bony structures called vertebrae. Back pain can take a significant toll on your overall health and disrupt your day-to-day life. That’s why it is crucial to prevent back pain or treat it the right way. Read on!
How to Prevent Back Pain
It is often challenging for health professionals to determine the cause of back pain. However, there are different ways to help relieve your spinal pain or prevent it from getting worse. The purpose is to strengthen your muscles, protect your spine, reduce strain, and relieve pressure. So, how to prevent back pain? Follow the tips and tricks given below.
Regular exercise offers a wide range of health benefits. An exercise routine that focuses on your spinal or core muscles can reduce the risk of injuries, including muscle spasms and strains. We recommend performing abdominal stretching and strengthening exercises at least 2-3 times a week to develop a flexible and stronger spine. You can also perform yoga poses, such as:
- Cat-Cow
- Extended Triangle
- Downward-Facing Dog
- Cobra Pose
- Sphinx Pose
- Bridge Pose
- Locust Pose
Dieticians and health professionals recommend taking supplements to strengthen back muscles and bones. Remember, calcium and vitamin D supplements can make your bones stronger and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
You don’t necessarily have to purchase supplements from the market. You can keep your spine strong by consuming calcium-rich food items, including leafy green vegetables, milk, and yogurt.
Likewise, you can consume cheese, beef liver, egg yolks, and fatty fish to get omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Even if you want to use supplements, make sure you consult your doctor before taking them.
Proper Posture
How to prevent back pain? Improper sitting and standing can affect your posture and lead to alignment issues in the spine. When you sit or stand with proper alignment, you will have improved blood flow to the most important muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your spine.
Proper posture also prevents the risk of back pain by keeping your blood vessels and nerves healthy. That’s why it is crucial to make a habit of using proper posture to decrease the risk of spinal pain.
Back Pain Treatment in Plano Texas
People suffering from spinal disorders seek back pain treatment in Plano Texas. If you have acute back pain, you can take over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These NSAIDs work effectively for relieving symptoms of back pain.
You may also take analgesics, such as Tylenol, to treat back pain. However, this medication does not have anti-inflammatory properties. Make sure you are aware of the side effects of NSAIDs. For instance, avoid taking ibuprofen if you have stomach ulcers or kidney problems.
Opioids are pain medications prescribed to treat severe back pain. Opioids such as OxyContin and Vicodin block nerves signals to relieve back pain. Although opioids are highly effective medications, they can cause side effects, including an increased risk of dependency and addiction.
Muscle relaxants
You can take muscle relaxants to relieve back pain, especially if you have muscle spasms that cause discomfort in your lumbar spine. These medications act on your brain and block nerve signals to reduce discomfort and pain.
Steroid injections
Your health provider may also recommend cortisone steroid injections for severe cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine pain. Bear in mind that you may need multiple injections from time to time to relieve symptoms. Steroid injections can also cause side effects, such as:
- Damaged skin
- Damaged soft tissues
- Hormonal changes
- Joint infections
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
If your back pain persists for more than four or six weeks, it is time to seek advanced Back pain treatment in Plano Texas. Depending on the intensity of your back pain, you may undergo open-back or minimally invasive surgery.
Open-back surgery is a traditional approach that can cause a wide range of complications, including muscle and soft tissue damage, infections, and slow rehabilitation. On the other hand, minimally invasive surgery performed at MINT offers numerous benefits, including:
- Less post-operative pain
- Smaller incision
- No or minor muscle damage
- Reduced risks of infections
- Faster rehabilitation
Contact MINT, a reputable spine surgery clinic with qualified, licensed, and skilled neurosurgeons, if you are looking for advanced and effective back pain treatment in Plano Texas.