Plano TX Spine Surgery – Lower Back Pain Causes
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Is Plano TX spine surgery effective for lower back pain? About 80% of adults in the U.S experience lower back pain during their lifetime. It often presents with spasms of supportive muscles along your spine.
Numbness, tingling, and pain in your buttocks and lower extremity also cause back pain. There are numerous lower back pain causes. Prevention of lumbar spine pain is important because symptoms can recur on multiple occasions.
Lower Back Pain Causes
Lower back pain can affect your day-to-day life and reduce workplace productivity. It is crucial to strengthen your back muscles through exercise and a proper diet. Otherwise, you will have frequent painful episodes of pain in your lumbar spine. Common lower back pain causes include:
Muscle Strain
Muscles in your lower back provide strength, flexibility, and mobility for activities of daily living. When you overwork your lower back muscles or become weak, you will experience strain, leading to discomfort and pain.
Ligament Sprain
Ligaments connect your spinal vertebrae and stabilize your lumbar spine. However, a sudden, forceful movement and stress or pressure on your spinal ligaments can cause sprains and injuries, leading to discomfort, inflammation, and pain.
Poor Posture
Poor posture is another cause of lower back pain. Poor postural alignment, such as sitting hunched over a computer desk or slouching in front of the television, creates fatigue in your muscular structures. It can also cause joint compression and put pressure on your spinal discs—years of abuse cause musculoskeletal imbalances, leading to weakness, tightness, and pain.
Aging is the most common cause of lower back pain. It causes wear and tear, leading to degenerative changes in your spinal discs. Thus, you experience a disorder called degenerative disc disease. Aging can also cause facet joints degeneration in your spine.
Normal aging can decrease bone density, strength, flexibility, and elasticity of your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. You can reduce these effects by proper lifting and moving techniques, regular exercise, and adequate nutrition.
Disc Herniation
Herniation causes pressure or stress on a nerve in your lumbar spine. As a result, you experience lower back pain. Sometimes, the pain radiates down the leg. Disc herniation responds well to stretching and strengthening exercises.
However, if the pain does not away for four to six weeks, you may require Plano TX Spine Surgery. Other causes of lumbar spine pain include kidney or bladder infections, ovarian problems, endometriosis, and cancer.
Lower Back Pain Treatment Options
You can rest from intense or aggravating activities to reduce lower back pain. We recommend avoiding prolonged sitting, standing, driving, bending, twisting, and heavy lifting to reduce stiffness in your back.
NSAIDs are a common treatment option for lower back pain. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, aspirin, and Advil, can reduce swelling in your spinal muscles and decrease pain.
Gentle exercise for stretching and mobility can decrease lumbar spine pain duration, severity, and recurrence. You can also perform yoga poses, meditation and undergo acupuncture or physical therapy to reduce lower back pain.
Lower Back Pain Surgery
Lower back pain surgery can help treat a wide range of spinal complications and disorders, including herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, vertebral compression fractures, spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, and spinal tumors.
Plano TX Spine Surgery performed by our qualified and experienced neurosurgeon can also help treat spinal instability, spondylolisthesis, spinal infections, and lumbar spinal stenosis. Common lower back pain surgery techniques include discectomy, TLIF, ALIF, XLIF, PLIF, spinal decompression, etc.
Benefits of Minimally Invasive Back Pain Surgery
Unlike open back surgery, a traditional technique, which requires surgeons to make a large incision in the back, the goal of minimally invasive surgery is to stabilize your spinal vertebrae and joints, leading to relieved inflammation, discomfort, and pain.
Minimally invasive surgery spares muscles in your lower spine and prevents damage to your nerves. Thus, it can reduce the risk of recurrence of conditions like bone spurs, spinal instability, herniated discs, scoliosis, and spinal tumors.
Compared to open back surgery, a minimally invasive approach is safer, faster, and requires less recovery time. It does not cause trauma to your spinal structures, including muscles and soft structures. Therefore, Plano TX spine surgery can lead to:
- Better cosmetic results due to smaller incisions
- Less blood loss during the surgical procedure
- Reduced risk of musculoskeletal structures in your lumbar spine
- Decreased pain during the surgery and reduced risk of postoperative infections
If you have lower back pain and the conservative treatment options have failed to relieve it, you can contact MINT and schedule an appointment with our experienced neurosurgeon to discuss Plano TX Spine Surgery for your condition.