Should You Get 360 Spinal Fusion in Plano, TX?
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For those dealing with severe back problems, could getting 360 spinal surgery in Plano TX be the right solution? If you have questions about the procedure, everything you need to know about this procedure is right here.
A Look at the 360 Lumbar Fusion Protocol
This procedure is also called the 2-stage lumbar fusion because it involves 2 stages to complete. A 360-degree lumbar fusion procedure involves the repair of both anterior and posterior components of the spine. To access the anterior component of the spine, the doctor makes an incision on the abdomen. On the other hand, the incision is made on the back to access the posterior component.
This procedure is deemed an effective way to repair the spine. In fact, among all spinal surgery techniques, following this protocol yields the highest success rates.
This procedure is often recommended for patients dealing with chronic pain and showing significant structural damage on their lower back. Most doctors refer to this procedure for patients with degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spinal fracture, and spinal tumor. Patients who did not respond well to less invasive treatments are often recommended to undergo lumbar fusion. Also, imaging modalities like X-ray and MRI are used to confirm the diagnosis and the subsequent need for surgery.
Is 360-degree Lumbar Fusion Invasive?
A 360-degree lumbar fusion is one of the more invasive surgical procedures involving the spine. To proceed, the surgeon creates separate incisions from the back and the abdomen to get a 360-degree access to the spine. One surgeon cannot perform this procedure alone, most of the time two doctors are tasked to perform the operation.
Contrary to how the procedure sounds, it is actually less invasive compared to other surgical procedures involving the back. This is because creating an incision on the abdomen to access the spine is actually easier compared to creating an incision on the back because fewer muscles are involved.
360 Spinal Fusion Surgery Recovery
How long is the expected 360 spinal fusion in Plano TX surgery recovery time? Though there are multiple factors that dictate a patient’s recovery from this kind of spinal surgery, the recovery time is generally good.
Are There Alternative Options Available?
The availability of alternative procedures generally depends on the overall health condition of the patient. If the patient’s spine sustained a significant injury, then it is possible that spinal fusion using the 2-stage approach may be the best way to treat and correct the injury. In other cases, spinal surgery using alternative approaches may be performed. As long as the situation allows, going for procedures that create as little physical invasion as possible is most recommended.
One of the alternatives available for those who are recommended for 360-degree spinal fusion is to go for minimally invasive spine surgery. For those who do not know, minimally invasive surgery is a surgical technique that aims to repair particular ailments while creating as little bodily invasion as possible. This involves the creation of much smaller wounds and the use of micro-tools and scopes to access and repair injuries.
Medical researchers and doctors continue to conduct studies with regards to this procedure to ensure patients receive maximum benefits of the treatment.
Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery
While a 360-degree spinal surgery is considered a minimally invasive procedure in and by itself, there are other alternative spinal approaches that are actually less invasive.
So what are the benefits of choosing minimally invasive procedures? Here is a list of some of them.
- Less physical damage- Gone are the days when undergoing spinal repair means creating significantly large incisions on the body. Such large incisions can create more severe injuries, cause more intra-operative blood loss, and increase the risk of infections, and other post-surgical complications. With minimally invasive procedures, doctors create much smaller incisions. This will significantly reduce all the risks and complications mentioned above.
- Faster recovery period- Because the surgery causes minimal damage to the body, the patient can enjoy faster recovery period. Depending on the pain tolerance of the patient and their response to the treatment, a patient can generally get out of the hospital within 2-3 days. Also, they would require fewer antibiotics and painkillers after the operation. And because the wounds are less, they generally recover at a much faster rate compared to those who underwent open spine procedures.
- More definitive repair- One of the worst things that can happen in any surgery is the recurrence of symptoms. One of the best things about going for a 360-degree spinal fusion procedure is its very high success rate. With its superior access compared to other spine surgery procedures, the chances of resolving the issue for good is much better. Also, because of the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, the risk of creating more long-term damage to your back is less.